Cleaning house... a manner of speaking. We've been laid low with colds for the last few days. Yes, colds. At this time of year. All of us, at the same time. And the inevitable clutter that goes with a household of ten (as well as the more preventable kind) has reached an oppressive level, so I've been trying to do something about that. We're also trying to get our school schedule back in full swing, which has been complicated by the fact that right now our printing capability is on the fritz. So I'm trying to work around that, and one of the results has been a lot of bookmarking on the computer to print and use later.

I've already got a lot of bookmarks to use later.

It reminded me, though, of a different decluttering project, and of what a wonderful thing the Internet is. I have been rooting around unpacked bins and boxes (some from years ago), making discoveries--things I printed, much of it long ago, because I was afraid of losing it in cyberspace. Instead I buried it alive in a crypt of paperwork. I find that my need for much of this stuff has diminished, but it's just so good that I don't want to let it go. In the interest of sanity, I am purging the papers; as a salve to my need to, ahem, collect the wisdom of others, I relocate a few right here, for your reading pleasure.

Discernment Examen for the end of the day

Maxims of St. Teresa of Avila
(This originally came to me via e-mail from Catholic Dispatch, which appears to be defunct now.)

What Makes Women Happy? Sorry about the boring block of text. My printed copy has a much prettier layout.

Seven Devotions by Tim Drake

Nice inspiration to motivate you and sanctify your work. Can you have a spring cleaning in August? Think I'll use this now.


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