From My Bookmarks: Some Homeschool Links

I have an old blog, which I called Bookmark, that was meant to catch the wealth of my overflowing binder of inspiration printed from the Internet. Unfortunately, I mostly forgot about it in the aftermath of a new baby. It seems a little superfluous now, but I still want to keep the links (and I still have lots more to add!), so I'm bringing them over here. For the first installment, I'm sharing various articles that I found helpful as a homeschooling mother.

"The Beatrice Brigade" was the first entry in The Binder. Well, not really, if you count all the homeless print-outs that created the need in the first place. When I read this essay, though, and thought to myself, "I need my very own anthology to show to my ideological fellows, aspirants, doubters, detractors, and burnouts, and THIS needs to be in it." As Elizabeth Foss said, it's gratifying reading.

We don't use unschooling as our primary method of education, but this interview with Sandra Dodd is a back-to-basics tome that I reread every now and then to reacquaint myself with its virtues--usually right about now, to inspire me during the summer months.

What we do have is a sort of on-off (almost) rhythm to school that I used to feel uneasy about, until I read what Melissa Wiley said about something she has termed "tidal homeschooling." I think I first read about it here, and it sounded so much like what I do, minus the guilt and feelings of "doing it wrong." I was instantly and (almost) permanently reassured.

And when life gets crazy I go into guerilla homeschooling mode, and we get enough done to call it a day and look forward to another day's adventures.


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