Poetry Friday--C.S. Lewis

I first came upon C. S. Lewis' poems while I was in college, browsing the bookstore shelves one day and finding a copy of Poems among his better-known titles. At the time, I was a creative writing major (actually, going for a double degree in psychology) with at least two poetry classes slated for my courseload. Knowing Lewis to be a Christian and academic heavyweight, I snapped it up. "Poem For Psychoanalysts and/or Theologians" was the first poem in the book that I read, and my favorite of his ever since--the primacy effect, I guess.

...I was the pearl,
Mother-of-pearl my bower. Milk-white the cirrhus
Streaked the blue egg-shell of the distant sky,
Early and distant, over the spicy forest;
Wise was the fangless serpent, drowsy.
All this, indeed, I do not remember.

Read it all here.


Oh, how I love him. Great pick.

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