Revisiting a good week...

I've noticed something.

I tend to be very quiet about the big days. (With exceptions. It's not right to add another person to your family without publicly acknowledging it. ☺) But many times when we have something big going on--something one would think merit a mention--I just don't talk about it here. I seem to need a few days to emerge, and then it seems dated to post about it.

Last weekend, for example. We had an unusually full and blessed few days. When these days happened, we were immersed in the moment. But this time, I am not worrying about being less than timely.

Happy Thanksgiving, by the way. And Happy Advent.

Here are some of the big days we had.

Guests and games at Thanksgiving

Anwen, born again

Getting a Christmas tree

I actually prefer to get a tree later in the season. Some in this house have a different opinion! And the chance to go with extended family, in town for Anwen's baptism, was too good an opportunity to miss.

My birthday rainbow at sunset...can you see it?

Updated for {phfr} 12/8/2011:

round button chicken

All of this post's pictures count for at least one of Pretty, Happy, Funny, and Real. But here's a bonus:

Real. That's me; for my birthday, my family crowned me Queen for the Day with an artificial lei.

I tell you what, I'm as rich as a queen every single day with them.


Misty said…
Your photos are so beautiful and inspiring. Especially like the outside of the church and the little ones in close up. So precious. Thanks for sharing these to brighten our days.
Mrs. Fordyce said…
The birthday crown is beautiful! I can see why you feel like a queen! Beautiful pictures, especially of the inside of the church! Wow! Have a Blessed Advent.
Melanie said…
Sweet! The church photo and chopping down the tree are my favorites.
: )
Lisa said…
ALL your photos are lovely! And, Happy Birthday to you.

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