A short, and uncharacteristic, appreciation of Facebook

One of the neat things about Facebook is that people remember your birthday who otherwise wouldn't. And some of them come out of the ether to wish you well even if they have not spoken two words to you (in person, Facebook, or otherwise) in years. 

And another neat thing about Facebook is that you may actually know something about what's going on in the lives of these far flung friends, even if you haven't said two words to them. Even if you have never actually met.

And the neat thing about sharing your birthday with Thanksgiving is that you're already primed to be celebratory and warm and fuzzy and just busting with good will toward the whole world, but especially everybody you encounter. (It's also nice to have holiday felicitations to offer people in return for their birthday greetings.)

So, I found myself grateful for and solicitous of everyone who came to my attention over the past few days for any reason. I found myself quite easily and naturally giving thanks for these people being in my life, and praying for little graces for them and whatever they might be facing, good or bad. Because everybody is facing something, but, thank God, he doesn't mean that we should have to face it alone. That's what it's all about, bearing each other's burdens, and rejoicing with those who rejoice, and interceding for one another so we can all have a share in that eternal "Thanksgiving" feast.

And although singing the praises of Facebook is not something I would normally do, I am thankful for Facebook making it possible in Little Ways like this to build up the Body of Christ.

And, by the way, Happy Advent!


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